(le Suisse) Tedner
sax and flute. Born and raised in
joined the band in 1969; apparently he liked the sense of controlled
anarchy and the international make up of the gang.
he was at the time studying medical engineering, he also needed
some extra cash. Bo was notorious
at rehearsals for reading his textbooks while the other band
members were struggling to get the music together. When
they complained he just brushed them off with “I know
my part already”. He also learned to sing doodoo wah backing
and once actually danced on stage.
the end he got his doctorate but never fullfilled his dream
to move to Switzerland (for tax purposes) and ended up buying
a ruin in France. His sense of humour
kept the band going thru thick and thin and his musicianship
was of absolute top niveau. Bosse is a great friend to
this day of all the ex Stardust members and at this moment still
resides in Sweden and is an active member of the Ballroom Bigband.
can read more about Ballroom Bigband on this link
"Krille" Lindahl
Swedish musician
Replaced Pancho; had lots of experience in jazz bands and with
a group called Moonlighters. He was welcome as a soloist
in the swing style. As "le plus beau" of the group he was a
good front man, his trumpet soaring to the delight of the crowd.
How he could hold on to two jobs was a mystery, often he went
direct to work after returning from touring in the North.
He deliverd bread all over Stockholm! He was always helpful
and strong enough to help carry the Hammond up those bloody
stairs at Norrlands Nation in Uppsala.
He is now retired and living in Stockholm.
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"Mother", Major
chanteur, arranger. Born in California,
immigrated to Sweden in 1965.
receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree from UC Santa Barbara
in 1960, he took off for a European adventure and ended up getting
a job as bassist with Rolf Barner’s orchestra in Malmö.
gig led to a chance meeting with Ernie Englund, who led one
of Swedens most popular dance bands and was playing in the local
Folkets park.
1962 Ernie called and asked him to come to Stockholm to try
out with his band: this worked out and started a 3 years stint
with this unforgettable trumpet player. They
toured from one end of Sweden to the other in an old Uppsala
city bus which usually stopped running when it was around -20°
C. At one of these occasions the band started
a fire inside using the seats to keep warm. Lucikly
the towtruck came before the bus burned up.
a long list of gigs with K.Staag, Beatmakers, Arne Bills orch.
B. Glenmark, Leif Kronlund etc., Major thot it was time to start
his own ensemble. He now owned the Älvsjö gula huset
after years of living in rented cellars and 2nd hand
apartments so the time was ripe knowing musicians always needed
a place to sleep. Plus no problem making noise now that
tenants were gone. Stardust was born in 1969 using the
name of the famous song which had a good ending: as at the time
every dance band needed a theme song to end the evening.
bands big break came when it was invited to back Mia Adolphsons
summer show in 1970. At the Folkets park tryout surely
what got the band the job was Tony’s drumsolo accompaning
Major dancing in his hula-hula skirt and ending with a backward
bow showing off his pink culots!
to say the show was a success and led to lot of gigs for the
next 3 years. Probably the most fun the band had was in Austria
where they, (followed by their groupies), played for the
Swedes and tried to learn to ski. Noone will ever forget Pancho
wildly careening down the slopes in his afro hairdo. What
a sight. He always said “ I only like to ski straight
ahead, slalom is for sissy’s”. Mon Dieu, if those
mountains could only speak.
as people always said “Stardust was not only a band it
was a way of life”, Amen.
now lives with his family in a restored winery in the Dordogne
and still is active in music playing in the Alps and with a
local orchestra called Smoking Tropical.
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organ, + doo-doo-wah backing
known as Grimmstein)
in Tjeckslovakia he came to Sweden after the 2nd
world war and became a Swedish citizen.
studied to be a music teacher and played classical piano.
met Major while singing with the Adolph Frederik Alumni choir
in Stockholm which Major was directing. At this time Freddy
felt he was ready to leave his parents and the home nest so
took Majors offer to live in the “gula huset” around
1969. This would lead to a “major” change
in his lifestye, to say the least. With Major and Walter
in charge he was railroaded into becoming the keyboard specialist
in the Stardust project. With the 3 now living in the
house and the newly aquired Hammond organ, the nucleus of the
band was born.
had never played jazz or worked with a dance band but liked
the idea of being part of this momentous undertaking. With his
eagerness to learn and sight reading abilities he soon mastered
this style of music. In those days all music writing was
done by hand (no easy-to-use word processors) so the arrangements
for the organ were written out classical style. No problem for
Freddy, he played everything as it was written to the delight
of Major. He became a great asset to the band and his humour
and enthusiasim were inspiring for everyone involved.
No one will forget the wild parties upstairs initiated by Freddy
after the band played at the American Embassy; the band was
payed with 36 bottles of Rum, Vodka, Gin, and Whisky, quelle
Those were the days friends.
Freddy is now retired and lives in Stockholm.
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"Pancho" Saenz
Born in Peru, to
French mother and Peruvien father. Evidently his father
went to France at an early age, lived on the streets and eventually
grew up and became a movie star. According to Pancho
he discovered and promoted Josephine Baker in Paris in
the 30's.
Pancho, now
living in Paris, studied with the famous trumpetist Maurice
Andre and giged around before taking off for Sweden in 1969.
At the time
when Stardust was looking for a trumpet player thru the
grapevine Pancho found and contacted Major. He tried
out, could play and read well, so moved into the yellow
house and started rehearsing with the band. This was
much preferable to his former job washing dishes in a crumy
resto. He was lots of fun and stayed with the band for
two years. The guys never forget when he started his
first "afro" hairdo, it was really cool. When he got a chance
for a scholarship to Berkeley School of music he left Sweden
for the US of A. As the band often played at the
US embassy, Pancho, never shy, spoke to the (black) ambassador
to Sweden and fixed the whole thing, he was brilliant. Since
then no news and his whereabouts are unknown.
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Karatekin Singer.
in Ankara, Turkey Through friends at the Turkish Embassy Stockholm,
Walter was invited to visit Istanbul bya Prince Baykent who
was in the arms business. Tony, who hated to fly, arrived there
and was introduced to Tayfun who was performing at the Whisky
a gogo. Needless to say he was quite impressed by Tayfuns voice.
Walter was invited to sit in on drums and made such a success
that he was written about in the newspaper. He was described
as a “musical authority”. Tayfun, at this time a well-known
singer, wanted to visit Sweden. So Prince Baykent and Tayfun
flew up and made a demo recording of “What a Wonderful Feeling”
a song written by Major. The recording was with full orchestra,
made at Europa Films studio directed and arranged by Lasse Samuelson.
It impressed a lot of people and so Tayfun was engaged to start
with newly formed Stardust and thus got a foot and workpermit
in Sweden. He fit in perfectly with the international gang and
also lived in the “gula huset” for a time. His talent assured
that the band would have a top quality singer. He could sing
any style from Tom Jones to Clayten Thomas. He became a great
friend and with his good nature and cool demeanour he helped
mediate and end the great “down with Mother Major revolt” which
almost caused the breakup of the band. The reason for the revolt
was probably some banal thing like one band member “stealing”
the other ones ex-girlfriend! Tayfun was also a fine song writer
and is responsible for many songs on the LP. He really made
the band something exceptional. As fate would have it he found
out he had cancer in 73’ and had to quit singing. Tayfun lived
some years more with his Lena and worked at a hospital. In the
end the disease got him and he died in 82’. The band and all
his friends miss him dearly.
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"Dr.Walter" Walter drummer;
Born and raised in England Herr Walter, to be fair, could be
the subject of a book if one could find a publisher. He came
to Sweden in 1964 after playing at the military bases in Germany.
He knew Mike Watson and did a stint with Susy and the Hi Grades.
Soon he moved to a well known group called Lenny and the LeeKings
and became a pop star. He met Major sitting in with Arne Bills
Ork. Soon after he knocked on the door of the Gula Huset and
asked for a room. Even pop stars can become homeless. Needless
to say Tony brought happiness to many with his humour, gags,
and cheekyness. (Major remembers walking along small town streets
where Tony, without batting an eye, would ask any young lady
he saw if she would like to go to bed with him)! He loved to
charm the public with his "light and noise show"; a double drumset
solo with Tayfun on the light switch, which thankfully gave
the rest of the band a break. He was known for his antics on
and off stage, however when the joke was on him that was another
story, ha ha. As a lifelong bachelor we all are happy that he
is finally married to a lovely Swede called Britt. He is still
active and spends winters in Tenerifa running a Karaoke show
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